Posted 1/7/2009 9:37 PM (GMT 0)
Before i start, i would like to warn you i only use english as a second language, do not worry about the grammar least i try.
I have had a terrible nightmare with my colitis and would love to share my story, this will also give you an idea on how to fight this disease in a simple "way".
I(i am a male by the way) had colitis for 18 months, my doctor always told me it was IBS and nothing else so i believed him. The pain was mad, in the last 6 weeks prior getting hospitalised i was loosing a tremendous amount of blood, the doctor sat me down and then told me" you have to be ready for the worse case cenario"(possible bowel cancer or others).
I was scared, just had a baby(she was only 3 weeks) and was thinking about all sorts of things(dying at 29 years old due to a bowel cancer....).
Anyway , i did not have the time to go to the hospital and passed out at my stearing wheel before i started to be anaemic(i was loosing far too much blood).
I managed to wake up and drive for another 1 minute and then collapsed again in my living room, i woke up in the hospital where i had all sorts of test, injected cortico steroids, 8 tablets per day of prednisolone+ 8 tablets of pentasa for 6 weeks, i then stopped prednisolone because i could not sleep anymore and started a depression....everything went against me from start to finish.
What did i learn from it? please follow thi well as it will help you till the rest of your life.One mornig i woke up and decided to change my life.
1) You need determination, this is the most important thing in your life, you have to be determinated to fight this disease, this also means put all your personal(family and friends) problems and work in second position, your health is number 1.
2)you have to change you eating habits.
First,stop eating junk food, one little thing interresting for you to know, it took millions of years for man to be created( many people think it took a few thousand of years...i know) and took millions of years for the gut bacteries to live in symbiosis(cohexiste) in our intestine, how can your body manage to fight all the newly created chemicals we find in fast food,sweet, and more. It is impossible, this is why in the western countries we have this kind of diseases, because we eat junk food all the time.think!stop crisps,burgers,pizzas!!!
3)stop being lazy and do some exercise. I now run sunday and wednesday only for 10 minutes, it is enough for my body to release a chemical useful for the well being of my general health. This is "a must " when you have such disease.
4)you will need to replace the vitamines your body is not getting.
With expert advices i have learned that my health could have a good lifting by taking a few vitamins, just before i give you the name of those vitamines i would like to let you know what was wrong with me first.
-a few years before my disease(1st stages of having bad bowels), i started to get acne on my scalp, shoulders and a few on the belly, then my skin was extremely greasy, i then started to have strange pain just before going to the toilets, my sinuses became blocked more often to a point where i had daily allergies (perenial allergies),all of this till a few months ago, i am all sorted now.
MY DOCTOR GAVE ME SOME ANTIBIOTICS! yes, i should not have taken them because when you have colitis you have to watch antibiotics, your gut bacteries will die with the use of some antibiotics, if i have to take any, my doctor will then give me a type of antibiotic that do not destroy my guts bacteries(make sure you ask your doctor for such antibiotics).
Anyway, i took this:
-zinc tablets,one per day(just go to the chemist and ask for zink tablets),this will boost your immune system, this is why i was getting so many spots all over the place.
-vitamine b complex, this is extremely important to feel better, just ask the chemist for this too, those vitamine(all the b's) are so important, just do a research on the net.
-probiotics bacteries in tablets, twice per day, this is a "must" have, you skin will look also better and your general health will be pretty good with a long treatment.
-If you wish to really give it a try at 100% ,buy some aloe vera tablets or juice and add some to your drinks wih recommended amount everyday, 3 specialist told me to take this.
I will never stop taking those vitamines every day.i FEEL SO GOOD NOW, I HAVE EVEN STOPPED MY PENTASA tablets.
Now another important thing(this could have been the start of the colitis), this is what could change your life and your general health, i have left my job, i had too much stress(shame it was a very well paid job), i instead created a website where i only sell services(and not normal product because it is too stressful to pack ,not have the product and service i mean helping other to achieve something...i had no knowledge on internet by the way...).
I have also moved away from my country when the site was ready and i am now living on a very very cheap island( i will not give the name of this island because otherwise people will come by thousands and will destroy my dream!)
Run your own website with your family beside you is fantastic, all you need is make enough to live your dream,away from all the stress of the current life, i keep taking my vitamines,run at night and stops all medecines. I feel great and love it!!!!!!!!
Oh By the way, i have stopped eating red meat!!!!it has helped so much, do not eat this type of meat , it is very bad.
Bye Bye all and i hope i gave you a few ideas for your future, stop stressing, move away from everyone,restart anew life somewhere else because this could also be 50 % of your general health problems.
One thing very important in life, do not be scared to stop what you are doing, human are now in a state of trying to always achieve better and earn more in life, this is not always the right way,you need sometime to sit down and think, is money so important if i die of a cancer?hell no!
Your health is so important to you and your familly, also think that with this economical crisis people will stress even more at work, this will cause you even more troubles.
Your body is a vehicle created to transport your soul, make sure you apply the right maintenance to it otherwise it will brake down and noone will pick you up! because this is how the world is unfortunatly.
good luck all,
be determinated to fight the colitis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!