I just need to talk about
being tired. My son sleeps through the night sometimes...me never. I'm up at least three times a night with UC urgency, and at least once a night with him. Last night between my own issues he woke up at 1am and would not settle down to go back to sleep. My tummy (gut) has been hurting so badly, and I'm starting to lose more blood on a daily basis.
I realize caffeine is one of my things that cause additional trouble, but I honestly feel that if I go without it I will be in bed all day with exhaustion. My sister-in-law just turned me on to dissolvable B-12 tabs, so I'm going to get some today and take one morning, noon and night...in hopes that I can continue to function. I seriously have not done dishes in three days...and there are still some cake battered bowls from last week. I dispise having a messy kitchen and I'm depressed that it's gotten to this point again. I'm also very good about 'not' asking for help from my family unless I absolutely have to. My home is my responsibility, and I'm just really having a hard time keeping it together.
Emotionally I'm actually really happy b/c I'm back to work again (I had a dry spell with no clients for a couple months, which was nice at the time b/c it allowed me to recover from a MRSA and additional staph infections), but I cannot be a stay-at-home mom...I'm very career oriented. Anyway, I'm just very tired. Very sore. Very tired of battling this silly flare. : )
I guess I'm not necessarily looking for responses, but just needing to talk about how tired I am. No one in my family fully knows how difficult this is, so I figured that all of you suffer from the same disease you can empathize, as I do for you and your struggles. : )
My son is amazing, though. He did just turn 1 and I love being home with him during the day...as I leave to see my clients once my husband is home at 2:30pm. My house is also covered with toys from Christmas and his birthday...we have yet to come up with an acceptable plan of organization. So, I have a kitchen full of dirty dishes, boxes waiting to be filled with the Christmas and winter decorations that are still scattered througohut the house, filthy surfaces, semi-unsanity tile floor (I only scrub the areas that get sticky food dropped/thrown from toddler meals), and an empty dish strainer. : ) I wish I had a bigger space for a dishwasher! We have a beautiful older home, but it is a beautiful 'smaller' older home. : ) I like to call it Shabby Chic with minimal 'chic', as we still need to paint the exterior.
Okay...I think I'm done ranting and venting...sometimes it just feels good to tell my story or talk about the silly things going on my little life. I think I'll fill my coffee cup and tackle some of my to-do's for the day.
My perk for the day is that my UGGs should be here this afternoon! We all need something to look forward to, right? So, my day is going to be based around the UPS man! : )
I hope you all have a wonderful day, and if you've read through my entire entry...you are a great person, and I would be more than happy to read your vents any time you post.
Thank you for being here!!!
: ) Robin