Sometimes my senior brain is a little thick. Thanks - I do understand most of the "masking".
I have to tell you when I was diagnosed with UC from a scope only because I was having blood. I have had IBS for about 30 years with bout of diarrhea, cramping, pain, etc. so took Imodium for a long time. I only went to doctor when I saw blood for a few weeks off and on. Then I had a little left-sided discomfort (can't even call it pain). All this medicine that I have tried - mostly the 5ASA pills and rectal meds have only made me feel worse. I just want to go back to where I started - taking Imodium a couple times a week when needed and not worry about the blood. I lived with it fine. I know it was probably getting worse all the time and would have gotten even worse without any treatment. I will be a year in May with no real improvement - sort of back to square one! That is why I questioned taking Imodium or anything else that makes me feel "human", "normal", etc. It allows me to go to the doctor with my husband, etc. At my age - any way I can make that happen, I will - worry about complications later. Now, if I was 30 or even 40 my attitude would be different.