Lack of appetite is a symptom listed on my rx sheet for 6mp and you just upped your doseage so it could be a factor in your lack of desire for food.
Any reason why you stopped the rectal medication which might help with the lingering blood problem. Also as you know that 6mp takes a long time to kick in so it may not be helping at all at this point. Additionally, seems like a lot of people get kind of backlash batch of bleeding and symptoms when they lower their pred. Are you bleeding a lot or is it just visible traces. Could you be amemic which could hurt your appetite and should of course be treated right away.
I have blood just about every day for several months at a time and yes, it sucks, but if it was me I would rather have some blood while I waited for the 6mp to kick in than be on a drug which is giving you terrible side effects.
In the past when I have gone without eating well due to illness, instead of feeling deprived and hungry when I am getting better, I still feel like not eating. I'm not sure if that applies to you, but if so, you may want to go on a kind of anti-diet to see if you can restart your hunger response. I don't mean to eat a huge amounts of junk food, but just make a food plan for yourself that has you eating regularly and often rather than waiting to actually be hungry to eat. You have to eat to be hungry - goes the old saying.
Feel better soon.