I was in the middle of a rectal flare 10 days ago during the time of my colonoscopy, afterwards things starting getting better, I had seen no bleeding since that day until tonight, all of a sudden around 7:00 I started having urgency issues, went to the bathroom, did not have to go but ended up passing gas and there again was the bright red blood and brownish looking discharge on the toilet paper. I have been avoiding wheat and gluten products since then and have felt better but now I have the discomfort and stinging sensation again.
The only thing I ate different tonight was a grilled chicken salad, and half of it at that, that was an hour and a half later after eating that the problem reappeared, that is too soon for it to be caused by the salad. Cannot figure it out. I am thinking it is due to the fact that again today I went to the bathroom 3 different times, and that triggered it somehow as I did not go that well any of the times, although I felt nothing unusual today.