You know it really depends on whom you trust and have a good rapport with. I have been going to all kinds of doctors - Army, etc. around the world for over 50 years. If I don't like the person (don't care whether they are doctors, NP, PA, nurses), I just have a problem dealing with them - a personality conflict sometimes. We just can't "get along" with everyone. Some think I am funny that I can't "get along" with a good doctor no matter what their personality is - just don't trust them, I guess. I went to three knee surgeons before I found would I could "get along with". Either NO personality or sense they really didn't care about ME!
Right now I have a great, experienced gastro doctor who is also an internist. I trust his opinions, treatments, etc. BUT - first time I saw the NP I knew I would see her as much as possible. She is caring, listens better to me and takes her time (no matter how far behind she may get). I am on Medicare and supplement insurance so they really do try to limit the time since Medicare is so "cheap". I do see the doctor anytime I request (although may have to wait a week or so longer) AND this next appointment is with the doctor because he put me on 6MP to see how I am progressing.
You have to trust and believe in your health care provider - no matter for what conditions, etc. If you don't - try to move on to one you do!!