Hi all. I'm new to this site. I'm about to have a gastric emptying test in a week. My GI doctor said I might want to try to FODMAP diet. However, when I google it, there is so much info on it but nothing that I can find that says what I CAN eat. Does anyone know what is appropriate to eat or have a link? Also, I have a j-pouch, had reanastamosi in 1992, bowel obstruction in 1993, chronic pouchitis ever since. Now - severe abdominal pain/bloating/belching/back-ache. I think they're (doctors) checking for gastroparesis. Anyone know of a good motility specialist on this subject? Also, what is the best test for gastroparesis. I've heard that the gastric emptying, by swallowing radioactive material and camera circling your body while taking pictures, will not give the best diagnosis. I don't want to have to go through these tests again. Thanks!
P.S. you can e-mail me at: [email protected]