Hi all,
Have only recently become a member, so am new to all this. Biopsies taken back in October during a colonoscopy showed that I have colitis. Was started on medication in November. I am still waiting to see a GI was supposed to see him in February, but he cancelled till April. Surgeon says I need to have a small bowel follow through, to check for further inflamation to make diagnosis between UC and Crohn's (family history of crohn's).
I am having alot of trouble with my stomach with the last few weeks but has got worse over the last few days. My upper stomach is really swollen and uncomfortable, have alot of pain all down my left side (from under ribs to groin) and out my back at times. I have solid BM but am going up to 9+ times with the last few days with mucous sometimes (varies from samll amouts with force to larger amounts). Pain in side gets worse after BM for about 20 mins. I am feeling really tired. Does anyone know if this is a definate flare, and if it is do I need to see my GP? Also does this sound more like UC or crohn's?