Hi all, it is nice to find so many warm-hearted people here.
I was diagnosed proctitis UC last Oct. and my major problem is bleeding...
After I was put on Canasa 1/day, it works fine. Normally, I have a little
blood 1 or 2 days during a week. I hope I am recovering...
Now, I found that stay up and sex may worsen my bleeding. Last Friday,
my wife and I had a great sex and we talked a lot while lying on bed.
I went to sleep at around 2:30AM. Normally I went to sleep at around 11PM.
Then I found much more bright red blood when I went to bathroom the next day.
This is weird... Do you think stay up and sex make your symptom worsen?
I am trying to figure out the exact thing that may worsen my blood and will visit
my GI next Tuesday.
Any input is appreciated.
Since I am not a native, please ignore my grammar mistakes. :)