Hi! I am hoping to get some good advice here, as my doctor is not much help.
I am chaperoning a trip of kids to Memphis, TN in two weeks. I live in PA, so it's a long drive. I am not so concerned about the bus ride because there is a bathroom. I agreed to do this when I was doing well. Right now, I am not doing so well. Not a full out flare, but more trips to the bathroom than I have been having in a while. I went to my doctor for some help because I cannot pull out of this trip now. They need a certain amount of chaperones to be able to do the trip..district rules. Anyway, my doctor says the only thing he can do for me is prednisone because that has worked for me in the past. He gave me two options..first one is start on 40 mg and then do the taper thing (down 5mg a week), which means weeks on prednisone..ugh! The other option he gave me was to take 20 mg for 10 days with no need to taper, but he can't guarantee that will work because 20mg may not be enough to get me under control. I am wondering if anyone here has tried 20 mg and if it worked. Also, does anyone have any travel advice. We have days where we leave at 6:30AM and return at 10:00PM on this trip. I am so afraid of being on a tour where there is no bathroom and I don't know what I will do. I have already planned to get up two hours before needed to give myself time to go. Most of my BM's are in the morning.