Eva Lou said...
well however it goes, please let us know what happens with your insurer- if they cover it, how did your GI get them too, etc. That's what really interests me, the coverage! I have to say, I too am a little puzzled by your decision to try Humira, & your obvious dislike of it. I know what you mean, about not ready for surgery, but 1-2 years on these drugs isn't a short course either! So the ABA are the antibodies to the Remicade? And truthfully, does your GI seem to think the Humira will help?
Apparently my insurance should approve the Humira on account of the Remicade having failed, but it may require a paperwork delay. As for hating biologics but still using them- it's a case of it being the best of all evils right now since I am not quite ready yet to "destroy the village in order to save it" (that is, remove the colon). Yes, the ANA was elevated. And my GI does consider Humira a viable option to try.