Sorry to hear that Elaine. The only reason I cut myself down to 50 mgm one day and 25 the next is that I didn't feel comfortable with a white count of only 2.4. My GI doctor wasn't concerned about it though. My last white count was 2.9, so even dropping my dosage of the 6MP didn't affect the white count too much. I really would like it around 3.5 at least. Then I would know that I had SOME antibodies to fight off germs.
I had no other adverse affects on the 75 bruising, headaches or anything which you describe as having. Could these be from some other med you are on? The 6MP kicked in beautifully after 3 months. I was on the prednisone for seven months.
Since Nov 1st I have been off prednisone. I thank GOD every day that I feel well. I have no symptoms of UC at diarrhea, no bleeding, no urgency. If my rectum starts to feel a little "iffy" maybe for something I ate and shouldn't have, I just pop a Cort enema up there and the next day symptoms are gone.
I know some people don't believe in prayer...but I do and I credit a lot of PRAYER and of course the meds helped me achieve remission. Believe me, as sick as I was last year (I really didn't think I would make it out of the hospital), I appreciate every day I feel well.
I don't blame you for looking for a new GI doctor. I seriously considered changing mine as we bucked heads during my hospitalization, but cleared the air after I was discharged and seem to have a better than ever relationship now..strictly doctor and patient that