I am so happy to have come across this forum. I have recently been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. Well Kinda; I had a colonoscopy a couple of weeks ago after my internist referred me to a Gastroenterologist because I have been off work since the last week in February with severe belly pain. And after so many trips to the ER I can’t even count them anymore. Anyway the GI doc did a colonoscopy and came out of it with pictures showing ugly ulcers in my colon. He read the pathology report to me and said that I have UC. He prescribed Asacol 1200mg a day (4 tabs 3 times a day). I thought I had finally found out what was so wrong with me. I was relieved actually because if I had a diagnosis, that would mean I would have a treatment. I went home and started taking the Asacol. However about 4 days later I was back in the ER with the severe pain again (I’m talking 8-9 pain scale). It was after this ER visit I went for a follow up visit to the GI doc. It was then that he told me that he now doesn’t think its UC, “Because, UC doesn’t usually cause this much pain” and he suspects that it is something else. I forgot to mention he also did the other scope at the same time, the one that they look from the other direction, down my throat to my stomach (which looked fine). I just got home today from the hospital because they ended up keeping me on the last ER visit bed rest and pain control. I’m at my wits end here. I don’t think anymore. My Internal Medicine doctor says that this absolutely is UC and UC with the extent of the ulcers I have definitely CAN cause this much pain. And she wants me to continue taking the Asacol because while in the hospital I did get better. I can eat now (I have lost nearly 50lbs since February because eating anything would cause the pain to come on like a lion) So can any of you shine any light on this for me? Is the Asacol helping? And I just possibly have not been on it long enough yet? I am definitely NOT pain free, but it is better. I HAVE to get better! My Son is getting married on the 30th of this month and I am so afraid that I will have a bad flare up and not be able go because I will be in too much pain. THIS pain HAS to stop. PLEASE HELP ME. ANY IDEAS with you experience with this? Has YOUR UC caused any of you this kind of debilitating pain? JUST A SIDE NOTE; I am a kidney transplant patient, so I cannot go the Steroid route. PLEASE! Anyone! Help?