lizzieliz said...
It is my first week off of Prednisone after a 5 week period in which I started with two weeks at a 40 mg dose, then tapered off by 10 mg for three weeks. During the entire time I was on Prednisone, I experienced many unpleasant side effects (mostly painful edema of the lower legs and feet) but otherwise felt great (lots of energy and could eat anything).
However, since I have been off of it I have had very bad fatigue. I am so tired all the time! I can sleep for 8 hours and still feel exhausted. I work full time and it is very difficult to concentrate. I am at the point where I am drinking Red Bull to stay alert, however this makes me feel shaky and slightly nauseous. I don't generally have tons of energy, as I have had Ulcerative Colitis for over two years and have multiple allergies, etc. but I am only 21 years old and feel that this is not normal.
I have heard that the fatigue can be caused by the adrenal glands working overtime after the corticosteroid is out of the system, and I'm hoping this is the case!
Has anyone else experienced/heard of this happening or know a possible cause?
Fatigue would more likely be caused due to the lack of function from the adrenal glands from the use of corticosteroids. Will take time for them to ramp back up again. While taking the steroid your adrenals realize they don't need to work so they may slow down drastically during that time. When you stop the pred it will take them awhile to kick back in. Some people are just much more sensitive to that transaction than others. Caffeine can be counterproductive to this happening so be careful.