I have recently joined this website and would like to say that it is excellent to see so many people committed to helping others. A lot of the time, conditions like this can make people feel very alone so its good to know that this forum is here. My case is a bit of an unusual one. about 7 months ago, I started to have issues and was experiencing diarrhoea with blood and mucus. I went to see my doctor who then referred me to a gastroenterologist. After speaking to the specialist, he immediately put me on a 6 week course of prednisolone along with pentasa (i could not tolerate the pentasa and was then switched to asacol). It seemed that my flare calmed down after a few weeks; i was only visiting the toilet once a day and there was no blood in the stools. I then had a flexible sigmoidoscopy in which they found no signs of inflammation at all. This really confused me as now I don't know what I have!
For about a month now, I have been suffering from severe continuous headaches. I don't know whether this is a side effect of the asacol that I am taking. This was followed by another flare which was quite bad. I'm back on prednisolone and it seems that the flare has calmed down. However the headaches have not gone away. I put the headaches and the general unwell feeling down to the flare but now am very confused as it seems the flare has calmed down but the headaches are still present! can anyone help? what should I do? and isnt it confusing that the flexible sigmoidoscopy showed up nothing? could it be that I have something other than colitis or crohns?
I apologise for such a long winded email, but it feels good to open up and get everything off my chest! I would appreciate any feedback anyone can give me. Thanks very much
God bless