I haven't had any horrific side effects, and there are lots of new meds out there for all sorts of problems; I figured the alternative was to either go on flaring and being very sick or seeking some sort of relief. The question I asked myself, "Is flaring all the time better than meds?" At that point the meds were a better option for me. I'd tried every other med, every diet, every natural way to take care of this since I've never been on any meds before. Yep, that's right. I've always been the person who watched what I ate, taken the holistic way. People were very surprised when I was dx'd with this, thought I was too healthy to have it! When it came to making a decision I must say it was an easy decision for me. And I've never looked back. I cannot determine what tomorrow will bring; I've had friends die from cancer that were trim, fit, and were vegans. I cannot worry about something I don't know.
I do know that I feel excellent, have resumed my life, work out regularly and can eat all the good food I want. I stress good food, because I've never been a junk food junkie. When I was flaring I could only eat peanut butter, applesauce and yogurt. I think making a list of the pro's and con's might be a good way to sort things out. Since I work a full time job, have a husband, and aging parents....I live a fast paced life and flaring constantly wasn't an option for me.