well, you don't HAVE to go on Remicade, despite what your GI says. And I think you would have no trouble getting a referral to a surgeon without having used Remicade- you may have to see another GI, but there is no protocol re. meds that must've been tried prior to getting surgery. With your family history you're right to be concerned- although the risk is extremely low. The side effects concern me, but what bothers me more is the possible unknown long-term health issues that may arise from using Remicade. After all, it hasn't been in use very long, & we're basically the drug companies guinea pigs right now. But..... I still go for my infusions & have no desire to stop them. I figure, I can worry about
what *may* happen down the road, or I can chance it & live today. I hope it works out for the best! I have never heard about
a link between HPV & Remicade use- no one has suggested I get Gardasil. I am married though, & 38, & my pap's always come back ok with no signs of HPV. Which is odd, because I was told I had HPV when I was in my early 20's! Don't feel pressured into doing anything you don't want too- what meds are you on, or have you tried, so far?