I was just wanting to ask a couple of questions to get a feel for my flare. See, this is my first flare in 2 years or so. When you are having a flare what are your typical symptoms and how many times do you go to the bathroom.
To give you an idea of my flare: This morning i had some cramps and went to the bathroom and passed blood. The day before, I went to the bathrooom twice, both passing some blood. 2 days ago, i went to the bathroom 3 times but didn't pass blood in all three.
Also, does anyone know what they test for when they take blood and stool samples?
I don't know why I get ssooooo, concerned or worried about this, its not like I don't know what it is. I guess i just remember how i felt, before i knew i had colitis, which was scared that i was dying. I guess i still have some of those feelings.
I appreciate your ears and any answers you guys give.
God Bless.