Is anyone else incredibly stressed out?
I feel like I am always worried about getting worse and worried about the future. The past few days my Colitis has been acting up a bit and i've been feeling unbelievably tired and having some extra cramping and trips to the bathroom, not a flare but something that seemed like the beginning of a flare and it made me feel so depressed and stressed out, I think I made myself worse. I did use my Canasa more often and it seems to have helped but I am not confident I will get better, I could get worse and that makes me literally want to throw up. I was eating terribly unhealthy, all kinds of chips and crackers, sodas, beer, things I don't normally eat and it possibly taxed my system to the point of having loose stool and gas(tmi).
Without insurance I am scared what will happen to me if my Colitis acts up and I need more serious treatment. It's very hard for me to focus on positive things and personal growth when I am worried about my health failing.