I can be a spokesperson for 6MP, as I have been on it for about six years now. Don't be afraid to go on it. My GI doctor carefully monitors my blood. I have monthly CBC's to make sure my white count doesn't get too low. He likes it about 3.1. If I may mention, I fought him tooth and nail for about a year before going on this stuff. You will have to take the prednisone along with the 6MP for awhile, as it takes about 3 months for the 6MP to "kick in". I am surprised that your doctor isn't decreasing your prednisone. I started this "latest" flare right after Memorial Day. Doc told me to go on 20 mgm of prednisone, but that just didn't cut it. So, a few weeks later he increased it to 40 mgm and increased the 6MP from 50 to 100 mgm. I also take nine capsules of Colazal a day, Cort enema nightly and Canasa suppository in the morning, along with probiotics, fish oil capsules, multivitamin and calcium.
I agree with the other posts in that prednisone is not a good drug to take over long periods. I developed osteoporosis and have to carefully monitor my BP while on it. This time my pressure is great, 110/65. However, last year I had to be hospitalized because my pressure shot up to 210/110 and they had a hard time controlling it. It can also increase your blood glucose.
I am not a candidate for Remicade, my GI doctor pushing that too, but his associate had a few fatalities related to Remicade and disagreed. I was exposed to the TB virus back in the 60's and Remicade could activate the virus in your system. This is in no WAY meant to scare you, but in my particular situation, it scared me. I am also almost 63 yrs of age.
Good luck to you. Let me know what you decide. Oh...to put your mind at ease a bit about the 6MP. I saw a leading GI surgeon last year when I was discharged from the hospital and he said that in his over 30 yrs of practice he only has come across one patient who developed Lymphoma while on 6MP...and who is to say that patient wouldn't develop Lymphoma had he not been on the drug. I know of several Lymphoma victims who NEVER took 6MP.