OMG. Thank you everyone!!! You all bring up some really good points, and it was also nice to have a couple guys comment as well. I definitely have a much better perspective now and I think I know how to better handle the situation.
Doz79: you're right, there's no way for anyone to truly understand how it feels unless they have it or have been through something similar. And I've explained the nature of the disease and told him about surgery.
songlady: that really is a great idea to have him read something more objective and matter of fact. I think as a guy he might relate to that better.
Malkavian: my bf really is super sweet too. He tries really hard to do everything he can to make me feel better, I think he just gets frustrated that it's not working. Like others said, guys are fixers. I didn't mean to sound like I don't appreciate the things he does.
LuckyLindy: We are both 28 (well I will be next week). I wasn't neccessarily "hiding" symptoms. I didn't have any symptoms during the course of our relationship up until now. And I'm not looking for a shoulder to cry on. I've had this disease for 14 years-half my life-and have dealt with it alone the entire run. I just figured since I really care about this one, I should be upfront about it instead of pushing him away (which is what I would have done in any previous relationship). I know guys just want to have fun and be happy but I can't pretend that I'm fine when I'm not. I have started talking to my best girl friend about it and you're right, she's been very supportive and willing to listen to me whine. So from now to boy to keep him informed, whine to girl.
storysinger81: Haha! He says the same thing about staying positive! I am almost certain you are right about him feeling powerless. He's the type that if I feel pain, he wants to stop it. Any time I've been sick with a cold, or a headache or even just crampy, he's gone out of his way to try to make me feel better. I think he probably is just frustrated that it's not working/going away this time. I keep telling him I will feel better one day, but the fact that he has no control must drive him crazy. Oh, and um, I think you're like my UC twin. Except your super new to it. Sorry about that. Oh, and I was vegan for over a year recently. It was a little hard at first but I felt great all around!
Chevypower1930: I think girls are just more naturally like that. Its' part of our maternal instincts to take care of loved ones when sick. You're very lucky to have her, but I couldn't expect a guy to handle it as well as a girl.
lemonhead: you definitely brought up one of the best points about guys being fixers. So true! I didn't really think about it before because I was so stuck in my own head and how crappy I've been feeling. I will remember that and try to be more sensitive to the fact that this may be hurting him too, just in a different way.
laura220: I totally waited until I was in a flare before really talking about it. I've been through some long remissions before so I didn't even think to tell him before. I also started talking to my girl friend about it more and it has definitely helped. I think after this flare is over he'll be better about it with the next one, after he sees that I go back to the same fun girl when I'm feeling better.
Christine1946: Great advice. I think when the boy understands a little more, he'll be alot like your husband. Supportive but there's still times when enough is enough! I'm so sorry UC ruined your summer! Especially since it sounded like such a nice plan/setting. Good luck at the doctor's, I'm so sorry you may have been given a little hope of relief just to have it taken away.
defectively: Aww, I'm so sorry to hear you are going through such a tough time! :( And here I am complaining about something so silly. My best friend is currently going through some pretty rotten stuff with her husband (like, he has a girlfriend) so I try to be there for her as much as I can. I told her more about my illness yesterday and she was so supportive. I should have known that though, cause I'm the one she turns to in time of need. It's just hard sometimes to admit things like that. Like when we first saw each other again last year after not really speaking for a few years, she wore her wedding rings and acted like everything was fine. When she was more comfortable, she opened up. Same deal with my disease. After 14 years I'm just now getting more comfortable talking about it. I hope everything works out for you, again I'm so sorry for what you're going through.
Peety: Hmmm. I like that! Because sometimes people will be like, oh, stop complaining. But when you let him know you were serious and that sometimes he doesn't and won't come first, he accepted that!
Thanks again everyone. All your advice really did help me alot. Hugs :)