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anyone ever feel a little guilty about remission?
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Regular Member
Joined : Apr 2009
Posts : 178
Posted 11/13/2009 4:22 AM (GMT 0)
I know it sounds weird, but after almost a year of flaring and finally reaching pretty much remission, i almost feel guilty feeling so good. My wife thinks i'm crazy, but once you suffer and then feel better, you can't help but think about
other people are still suffering and some with much worse conditions that UC. It sure creates empathy in you for others. When you are young and healthy, you never think about
anyone else, or at least i don't think i did. I guess over the last couple months, i have really focused more on the things that UC has given me....i know that sounds weird especially since i had a really bad case, but it has taught me a lot of lessons. It taught me empathy, to appreciate little things, like solid bm' has taught me patience. It has also caused me to be more disciplined. for me, it helps to try to find positive in stead of focusing too much on the negatives. I pray everyone here suffering finds relief soon so you can feel guilty like
Veteran Member
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Posted 11/13/2009 4:54 AM (GMT 0)
I never feel guilty about
being healthy. Guilt and empathy aren't the same thing. One can have empathy for others without feeling guilty.
Elite Member
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Posted 11/13/2009 6:01 AM (GMT 0)
nope, don't feel guilty about
feeling great....I just don't want the feeling to end.
Regarding the empathy.....I have it for all, but for some I can sometimes become apathetic.
It's awesome you're feeling well deserve it. It's been a long time in coming.
Maybe your guilt is anxiety regarding a future flare?
This is a gathering place for everyone who has UC plus many have other issues going on at the same time. I think it helps with understanding how we all deal with stuff.
There are going to be ups and downs.
Continue to feel well....
Veteran Member
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Posted 11/13/2009 6:11 AM (GMT 0)
I don't feel guilty for being in remission...I can't help that I am, and can't help that others aren't. I do wish that everyone who has UC (or any other chronic illness) could get into remission and not let their disease mess with their life and I hate it that some people can't find anything that works.
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Posted 11/13/2009 6:14 AM (GMT 0)
Im just going to add a humbling fact....UC probably won't be the only chronic illness you'll have in your lifetime.
Set up the tools for yourself early in order to function better in your "older" years. Guilt is a huge destroyer of one's self-esteem and mental state.
While guilt serves a purpose, it shouldn't be because you're feeling good.
Elite Member
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Posted 11/13/2009 11:35 AM (GMT 0)
Do I ever feel guilty about
being in remission?..........that would be a resounding HECK NO! :) I figure I "did my time" and suffered with a flare that I deserve to be healthy and happy. I have the greatest empathy for others but I know (or hope) that they will reach their remission one day soon as well.
Veteran Member
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Posted 11/13/2009 7:18 PM (GMT 0)
I agree that having UC and being so extremely ill at one time has definitely taught me empathy and appreciation. I never feel guilty because I researched and struggled and worked hard to get where I am. My problem is I've been in remission so long, I've started to take it for granted. I come here to try to help others (pay it forward) and to keep from becoming complacent.
Veteran Member
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Posted 11/13/2009 8:52 PM (GMT 0)
Nope, don't feel guilty about
being in remission! I definitely appreciate remission more than ever - I'm so happy every day that I have normal BM's. My husband said my world revolves around my poops lol. I'm always very empathetic to others that are going through a flare and sure to let them know that it will pass and they can get better because I've been there.
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Posted 11/13/2009 11:34 PM (GMT 0)
HELL NO, ill take it....ya i like that." I did my Time" like a freaking prisoner to the toilet..
Regular Member
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Posted 11/14/2009 12:51 AM (GMT 0)
You've got a good heart man. Enjoy your remission and hopefully it stays forever. But don't feel guilty, nobody deserves to suffer from this disease. Enjoy your weekend bud.
Veteran Member
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Posted 11/14/2009 12:55 AM (GMT 0)
Nope, not a bit. But yes I do feel for others.
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Posted 11/14/2009 2:17 AM (GMT 0)
Cast another vote for not guilty. BUT.......... I do know this, judging from what I've read
from other folks on here I have had it pretty easy in my opinion. I have gone through
90 - 95 % of the same symptoms as others. It is the 5 % , surgeries, hospitaliztion etc.
that I have not gone through (knock wood). For that I am extremely grateful and to hear
others that went through that and kept on rolling keeps me motivated to take good
care of my self. Good luck.
Elite Member
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Posted 11/14/2009 7:47 AM (GMT 0)
lucas, you shouldn't feel guilty about
something good like being in remission, I get what you're saying but you and everyone else that reaches remission deserves it.
I've never been in full remission myself, but I wouldn't ever expect anyone to feel guilty cuz they are/have been, it is what it is, and I'm always happy to hear about
people being in remission...I do feel guilty being sick though, like a big burden on my friends and family, even or especially after this many yrs (18) but I'm trying everything to get into or closer to remission, but it is what it is, very individualistic, and as much as it takes it's toll on me (often emotionally) I can only control so much...I do get very frustrated with my disease as a result of never once being in full remission but that's likely to be expected I suppose. I really hate thhis disease so it's awesome anytime anyone is able to share the great news of finding remission.
Feel good and proud and happy, if I was ever to reach remission, I'd be screaming it from the roof-tops, I guarantee you that.
Veteran Member
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Posted 11/14/2009 8:28 AM (GMT 0)
Hey Lucasj
Maybe you are confusing guilt with empathy?? I know that recently I have found that I feel so badly for others with U/C that I do kinda feel "guilty" but when I really think about
it, I shouldn't feel guilty because I have been fighting this disease for a few years now and deserve the remission I seem to have achieved through Remicade. I have earned every stinking minute of it.. lol... I think that guilt for feeling good and having empathy for others who aren't can be sort of confusing especially when the people you are feeling "guilty" about
have to do with an illness in common... Maybe your empathy is so strong that you are thinking it as guilt? Some people feel empathy stronger than others, some don't feel it at all... Just a thought.. And, Empathy is not a bad emotion to have.. it shows good character :)
Regular Member
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Posted 11/14/2009 6:18 PM (GMT 0)
Nope. Never. Why should I? I don't think I should feel bad about
feeling good. I do wish thoses people that were not feeling well felt better, but
I don't think I should feel guilty that I'm feeling better.
Veteran Member
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Posted 11/14/2009 6:26 PM (GMT 0)
Veteran Member
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Posted 11/15/2009 2:00 AM (GMT 0)
Guilty? No. But since my diagnosis I sure have an increased empathy for those with chronic diseases!
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