Other than the occasional pain which I had posted earlier, I've been feeling pretty good for over a month now. I have been off of prednisone for a couple of weeks too so I'm wondering if this could be considered Remission? When I get up in the morning I usually have a large bowel movement...lol. It's solid though with no blood but it is definitely an unusual amount. My weight fluctuates from about 168 in the morning up to as high as 174 in the evening on a regular basis. My weight prior to being diagnosed was always around 180 so it's not a huge difference plus I am eating an extremely strict healthy diet whereas I used to be a junkfood junkie. Anyways, I'm going to the bathroom 2 times a day sometimes 3 with no blood and only occasional D. Is this remission or should I only consider it remission once I gain my weight back and am feeling completely normal???