Hello Everyone,
Its been awhile since I posted last on this topic, but I was actively involved at the beginning of this thread. I too tried this experiement and although I had high hopes it would work, it through me into a flare that I havent experienced in awhile. I acutally ended up worse after the completion than I did before. Now I didnt realize the true effects until I completed a 7 day trial. I felt good for the most part while doing it, but it was after i was done that I got worse. Now, I want everyone to know who considered trying it that I still havent lost hope. I can think of a few reasons why it didnt work, but I wont attempt it again for a little while. First, I didnt use antibiotics or an enema flush prior to starting b/c I was already flaring as a result of using antibiotics for 1.5 months prior. I am also taking a 5- ASA drug that could contribute to killing the bacteria, third I didnt do a diet prep as suggested.
So at this point i am nursing a flare with diet, which has been beneficial, just hard to do around the holidays. I wish everyone luck with this and if anyone ever hears of a doc willing to perform this or a clinical trial, let us know.