You won't be elligible for PA programs if you make significant income. Not sure what you wil be making but mostlikely, even a low pay job would put you above the income requirements.
Not to be negative but I wouldn't take a job that doesn't offer insurance benefits (unless it is a 3 month trial and there is a specific date where I will be put on their package). It is wrong for companies to put their employees in the position of not having benefits. Once you're locked into a job, it's so much harder to look for work. I am so sick of companies thinking it is acceptable to not offer a benefits package. I would get on them about it. Tell them you're not happy and inquire as to when you will be a valid fulltime employee. You will not get paid time off or 401k without benefits, it's just unfair overall. People should not stand for it. By accepting a job like this, you allow employers to continue treating people this way. Precisely why I work for myself. If I am not getting a decent benefits package, I can make enough money to survive without working my life away.