Hi all- I have not posted for some time. Just got back from 2 weeks at Mayo. I was able to be part of the pelvic floor disorder clinic where they do bio-feedback. It turns out that my being on Rowasa for years and confused my brain as how to pass stool. My plevic floor mucles want to keep it all in ---even if I have diareha. It was amazing and I learned al ot about
my body. I have a very
hard time relaxing.
Well I am now having (what seems to be getting wrose every 2 days or so) a flare of my U protitis. All that wants to come out is blood and mucous. Dr. is concerned to use meds that have to be inserted because it only then re-trains my body to hold everything in.
Was on dipentum but to no avail. having a follow up- sigmoid in 2 weeks. He thinks I will then have to be on opne of the major drugs which I am very soncerned about. Havn't had luck with azecol and others in that family or entocort.
I am now not wanting to eat because I am feeling so uncomfortable. When I pass gas now- blood and muc. come out. Sorry so graphic. any ideas or comments form those that have been on remi or others in that family?