I'd agree it at least appears from your post that you have too much on you and aren't getting enough rest and taking care of yourself. This is a tough thing for Type As to face up to, but when you're chronically ill with something as serious as UC, it will be very difficult to achieve remission if you're not getting enough rest, reducing stress, eating healthy and taking the very best care of yourself. While you're flaring, I just don't believe you can continue to function at the level you did prior to your diagnosis. Working two jobs is exhausting, even for those that are well. Tough steps may need to be taken, as Burli suggested. Lifestyle changes, mental adjustments and learning to ask for help may be necessary.
On the other hand, healing from a condition as serious as UC is a long journey. It's normal to get frustrated and impatient, but often the healing process is an upward spiral, not a straight and steep upward slope. You're going to experience "off days" and there will be times you can attribute them to something and times they'll seem to have no explanation. You have to look at the big picture. If you're generally improving and your setbacks are milder and/or farther apart, you're making progress.