Good luck with that prednisone. I was on it for about
10 months. from diagnosis of UC all the way through trying other medications (Asacol, Colazal, Sulfasalazine, Remicade, Humira) Anyways, had 3 different ups and down taper programs. All of them were tough on my body, especially skin on back, and chest. Bumps all around on the back and chest most of the times. Sometimes, about
10,000 small tiny spots on the back, it was quite weird, even for the dermatologist.
Anyways, i have heard a few different ideas on tapering prednisone. Going down 5mg/week 10/mg week etc... Some saying do 20mg one day 10 the next, 20" 10 the next. 15 the next, ect...
when I finally did come off prednisone completely in Early November of 2009, I had been trying 5mg daily for a month, and the last month about
2.5 mg daily (I started the most recent taper schedule in May at 60mg/day)
What I really recommend is trying a non-medicine based solution. I was diagnosed a year ago and for two months now, medication FREE.
All because I met a girl who had UC for ten years and she told me about
the diet she was on while being medication/symptom free for 3 years.
I made a website called **
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which talks about it. It is basically fruits, vegetables, nuts, honey, meats/poultry and that's about it.
Good Luck, no need to be on steroids, and no need to be on any medication, just need to know where to go in the grocery store.
**I know you are trying to help, but you need to check with the administrator of the forum before posting your site that includes advertising, etc. thanks!
Post Edited By Moderator (Lonie) : 12/20/2009 9:02:08 PM (GMT-7)