If you are interested in all the details - they are below - but the jist is:
My 34 active fiance had chronic fissure just diagnosed april 2009 - treated with Fissurectomy on 9/24/09 - insicion site festered to Perirectal Abscess which was drained 10.12.09 but developed into Fistula and needed Fistulectomy on 11.4.09 - did great for several weeks but now we have a major problem
This morning there is a lot of woodiness around the big scar site, and I could see a little pus down in the wound we are still packing - as I positioned the Q-tip and pulled his cheeck up and out to get a better look into the small wound opening left from the fistuectomy - I saw where pus was coming out and the pressure caused the new abscess that has formed to start to drain out into the remaining fistulectomy wound - I got a lot of pus out of it and blood - but we can't get to our surgeon until at least Monday -
I just need prayers and and suggestions on oinments or if anyone has had a similar experience, please share -
Also - I keep reading about this Remicade and tacrolimus cream - would that help his problem?
I need prayers for Bill's speedy recovery -- please send up your prayers for us, thank you.
Hello -
My fiance, 34, boatbuilder - complained of hemorrhoid symptoms and visited a GI doctor who diagnosed it as hemorrhoids and we wasted months with hydrocortisone suppositories with no improvement. In April 2009 his general surgeon correctly diagonsed the symptoms as a Fissure, however the surgeron suggested a regimin of stool softener, increased fiber intake, and sitz baths only. HE NEVER METIONED NITROGLYCERIN OINTMENT that was mistake #2
Mistake#1 was going to see a general surgeon about a rectal problem - but we didn't know any better so the #1#1#1 rule is when your ass hurts -
GO SEE A COLO RECTAL SURGEON - a general surgeron is NOT a colorectal surgeon
April - September 2009, my fiance would have occasional bad butt days but in late September 2009 it became unbearable for him, massive pain.
He went and saw the general surgeon and the surgeon recommended surgery - a Fissurectomy - and my fiance asked was there ANYTHING else?
- No, just surgery.
& the surgeon told me - a few days later - right before the surgery that "Don't worry, he's a young, healthy guy, should be back to work in a week."
The fissurectomy was done, no antibiotics, no special soap just a follow up appointment one week later
*** having had skin infection in the past - I religiously cleaned the tub my fiance soaked in, and he washed with Dr. Bronner's Magic Tea Tree Soap and Hibiclens to help prevent infection. His ideal GI situation is achieved with 5 capsules of psysillium husk seed fiber supplement, 1 Align, and 1 Ducolace. So he was having good movements and keeping the area clean.
One week later - 10.6.09 - we saw the surgeon and my fiance told him it had felt better but had seemed to become more tender and red in the past couple days - the Dr. goofily said it looked good to him, not to worry -
Well a day later my fiance complained that an area near his butt was getting more sore and tender but that it wasn't down in the surgical site
We got back into the general surgeon's office Friday - 10/9/09 with an abscess. and this quack didn't take a scan - he stuck my fiance with two needles and made him scream the loudest and most painful scream I've ever heard in my life -
The surgeon looks at me and says , "I can't get any pus out"
I was in shock and didn't say anything - he sent my poor baby out of there with worthless oral antibiotics, pain pills and in more pain than when he arrived
That Monday the 12th we met that surgeon at the local ER - where he said "Well I think it's a perirectal abscess, but I'm not sure. Here's what I think, I wanna put ya under, open ya up, dig around and see what we can find"
I am not overexaggerating, lying, or creating false memories with that one folks - I QUOTE - those were the words from the Surgeons! Mouth!
My poor fiance turned white and at the advice of our mothers, we took the two hour trip to the better hospital, better doctors and I have never spoken to that man since - or paid his stupid bill for ruining my man - he could have very well recommended we see a specialist - given my fiance's chronic fissure.
we arrived at the University Hospital - and Finally at midnight after six doctors, scans, and digits up the bum - the senior trauma surgeon came in to explain a simple procedure to drain the perirectal abscess and we would be packing a wound for a couple weeks. No sedation, just a quick incision.
He did that - we went home that night - and began wound care - we followed up with the trauma surgeon who said he didn't feel like it would become a fistula but we should get in with a specialist.
It took a couple weeks to see the specialist - finally someone told us there was such thing and that we needed to see a Colorectal Surgeon
By the time he was seen, it had become a full blown fistula in ano - and he went in for the Fistulotomy on Nov. 4th 2009 -
The wound was horriffic looking - and the surgeon used a rubber band seton to cut through the fistula. He said two weeks too....
Surgeons lie....
We had been following up WEEKLY - with good reports from our CR surgeon and we have not seen him since 12/22/09
We were still doing the sitz, daily wound care with antibiotic ointment - and my fiance started to complain of sharp pain in the scar area - I looked at the scar and it was that deep purple and I assumed - hypertrophic scar - and began treating the scar area with cortisone cream -
He said it felt better and here it is a few days later - this morning we were doing our routine gauze packing and he said - today it feels bad
I felt around, the hypertrophic scar area was more pink and red - and I could see pus down in the would which I had not seen since the few days following the last surgery - I positioned a Qtip down where I saw the pus - and just manipulating the skin to get a good look ---- Pus started to expell - a lot of pus - from an opening down in the healing wound - so it was very painful for him - we expressed what we could and I doused the area with antiseptic, antibiotic ointment and have tried to pack the gauze up into the new drainage point but it is in such a hard spot to get to ....
Of course this has happened on a Saturday on a weekend before a Holiday - so I have no idea if we will even be able to see our surgeon on Monday
Until then I am praying... a lot more than usual and asking for prayers from anyone who will pray for us
My fiance is Bill - and please pray for his speedy recovery
We have been dealing with this - from initial flare up to present - since November 2008 and we are both so tired.
Anyone who has experienced anything similar - medication recommendations, ointment recommendations, and all advice is welcome....