Levi said...
Just thought I'd share this, could possibly help someone:
After Marty posted the thread "Immediate improvements using slippery elm" I decided to give it a try to see if it would help my frequency. I wanted to give it at least two weeks to make sure results weren't a fluke. I didn't add or subtract anything else to my eating/pill taking or anything.
In the 16 days before slippery elm, I had 59 bowel movements.
In the 16 days after my first full days dose, I had 32 bowel movements.
Before i got UC/CD/IC or whatever I have I had little faith in herbs/supplements like this, but I don't argue with hard data like that.
So how can you say it due to the slippery elm when you're taking:
Diagnosed 10.2009 w/ proctosigmoiditis
Symptoms since 10.2007
Asacol HD 4.8g/d
Rowasa/Teva enema daily
VSL#3 DS one packet/day
Metamucil occasionally
Tyler Permeability Factor 1/day
I would more believe the VSL#3 and Rowasa helped you. Those take some time to start helping. Sounds like you're healing but why so certain it was the slipper elm?