Seeing signals of yet another flare last couple of days
I just realised that I have now had this condition for 11 years, whereof I had 2½ years of med free remission maybe 6 years ago. Yet after all these years I seem to mentally react the same way every time. I think I can't just accept I got this. Every time I hope it's over.
I have a relatively mild condition I think. I seem to get a flare every ½-1 year, however recently every about 4-5 months. My flares is a bit of blood on the poo, no real physical pains etc. Toilet visits 2-4 times a day. Once about 5 years ago, I had to stay home some days because to many toilet visits. I got Pentasa and it improved.
Besides that I have managed on Asacol and Mesasals.
So why do I write this? Well I am just very sad right now as this flare once again puts me mentally down. I might have had 11 years of manageable UC, but I am hardly struck by the anxiety related to it. It has limited my life soo much the past 11 years. Kept me from daring changing job, travelling etc. I fear getting to excited/nervous because will that cause a flare etc etc etc?
I fear that it will worsen into some of the cases on this forum. "I live today in a potential future worse case scanario". I fear my kids will get it etc. fear fear fear.
Talked to my wife about it today. She is so tired of my life stopping every I see a bit of blood in the poo, or some unusual poo etc. I understand her.
I have now had it for 11 years. Why can't I believe it will probably stay at this manageable level in the future, or at least for several years? A mentally stronger person would not have been limited by this in practice.
...........Sorry just had to get it out as it limits my life quality so much, this fear of getting sicker.
Does any of you have it this way? Do you have any techniques or whatever?
What do you think of my situation? etc.??
Best regards
a mentally affected UC person