Hi everyone,
I am new to HealingWell..I was referred by a friend, and so happy I joined.
I am 27 years old, and I was diagnosed with UC when I was 15. I flared every 6 months for the first two years..was taking Pentasa and Imuran...then I was completely in remission, and felt like I didn't even have UC. I started flaring up regularly again in 2006 after I got engaged...I guess the stress of planning a wedding made me flare! It has been a rough few years..constantly flaring, and contemplating having "the surgery"..I was in the Humira study from October 2008-October 2009...Although Humira helped my condition, I was never "perfect"...after getting out of the study I started taking VSL ...up to 2 packages a day...I feel great now, and hope to stay this way so that my husband and I can start a family ...but I am afraid of flaring up during the pregnancy or afterward...