dgtracy said...
so its pretty embarrassing what has recently happend to me. I recently got very lucky by finding this girl who is very understanding of me having UC, I'm currently on Asacol HD twice a day and for the past couple of months have been on prednisone, tapering down. at first i had the prednisone 40mg daily and tapered from there, i was down to two for a while, then things were not going so good, the doctor told me to go back up, to 30mg. i did and well...over the weekend I went to a cabin in the mountains with this girl and we had sex the first night, things went completely great, awesome, i did notice that my erection was not as strong and was noticing this prior this trip for about a month and half. second night on this trip, i could not even get aroused.....is this a side effect of one of the meds I'm on? possibly going from 20 to 30 mg of prednisone like i did? could it be the asacol? or did i post something completely unrelated and embarrasing on here for all to read? since I'm a pretty physical person, this has me a little stressed to say the least, please help me guys.
Cool embarrasing stories I can relate too. This has happened to me a few times and yes its very embarrasing for both parties involved so I can definitely feel your pain. The first time was when I was 19 believe it or not but it was just nerves. I was intimidated by the girl being so hot I think. The second time was on a camping trip but we had all consumed a LOT of alcohol so I understand it happens. This last time it happened, Im fairly sure it was from the meds I had been on. The first two times I was finally able to stand up to the task after about
30mins or so but this time nothing at all. I am getting older but I live pretty healthy for the most part so it could be age or med related. Ive actually been thinking about
talking to a doctor about
getting the blue pill but I gotta get the nerves to ask first ; /
Kevman said...
I would like to think that this forum is a no-embarrassment zone. Guys have issues particular to them just like the women do.
A simple suggestion might be to take 50 mg of Viagra ( or similar medication ) to be sure everything will work properly when you want it to. . . .
Is it something you can buy online or do you need a prescript
ion? Does it interfere with any other meds? How embarrasing is it to ask your doctor and do they do a physical before oking it? sorry lots of questions..