Hi ppl1,
Just wanted to share a little bit of my story and hopefully help put you as ease (as much as possible;) in regards to the colostomy bag! I was diagnosed when I was 16 and lived in pure hell for 4 years. I put off surgery as long as possible because the thought of wearing a bag on the outside of my body with my "fluids" in it was disgusting. Not to mention I was in my teens and thought it would end my social life. Who wanted to be friends with the girl wearing a bag...right? Well I ended up so incredibly sick, and after numerous blood tranfusions and hospital stays I finally gave in. After 2 months in the hospital I realized, hey I don't have a life right now so why not see about improving it?! So my Dr (who is amazing!!!) set up a one on one with another patient of his who had already had the surgery... problem was she was in her 60s and LOVED the bag bc she didn't have to miss The Price is Right for bathroom breaks...lol. Me, being 20 didn't care about that! While I was terrifed everyone would know I had a bag on, turns out unless you knew what I was going thru you just couldn't tell. I tried many different types of bags and I ended up liking the 2 piece best! With that I was able to change the bag daily- and the wafer every 3 days so my skin didn't get too irritated. I had the c-bag for 4 months, then I had the reversal surgery! while I have still had some ups and downs- overall I am better and would recommend the surgery!
I am very open with my story and if you have any other question, I would be more then happy to answer them if I can! I just turned 29 and for the most part live a pain free, must easier life now!!