Sooo, Hola.
I'm a long time voyer, first time writer. I was diagnosed with UC 01/10, but it started the day after Thanksgiving; I thought I had a viruse that wouldn't quit or a parasite. I have had a lot of Autoimmune Diseases erupt in the past few years and I'm hoping this is the last. I started with endomitriosis almost 3yrs ago, then came the awesomeness of Intersystial Cysitis (IC and is the equivilant of UC of the bladder). Just before I was diagnosed with UC, I put on a little over 50lbs in 3 months to be informed my thyroid is giving up. So now I am waiting for more goodtimes..
Thank you all for your past posts, you made me feel like I am not alone with this... I have support from Family and friends, but they truly don't comprehend what/how it truly feels. Life has truly changed in so many ways and I don't like it.
My Doctor says I am mild-mod and I "could be much worse off." It makes me scared and sad for those mod- gods knows what. We tried 3 different enemas and curretly settled on the Rowasa (/) and 4 Lialda a day. I feel better, but some days are bad. Is that normal... 1-2 days good and then 1 week of hell? Just recently I have been waking to my tummy rolling @ nite and then a mad dash to the bathroom. I have also been having irregular stabbing pain in the far right, middle of my stomach..what's up with that?
My Dr said to stay away from raw veggies and that's it. But with my IC I have a very strict diet with that too: NO fruit except watermellon, blueberry and pear, no vinegar(soy sauce, ketchup, mayo, mustard, A1, all salad dressing and many more things. No coffee, tea, caffiene , chocolate (ya, ***) , hot, spicey, pork, processed lunch meat, I think you get it. OOhhh yea, no B vits at all, C. So now I eat air and still get fat. Lovin life.
Sorry to babble, been meaning to write sooner. Any help suggestions or answers would be awesome.