Hi. I'm a fellow Rowasa user and have had great luck with them!
Let's see, tips:
Be sure to shake it. I squeeze the air out until the med reaches the top of the tip. I use a lubricating jelly (KY jelly), just a small bit as there's some lube on the tip of the enema. I lay on my left side but some people do the on the knees position. The first couple times you might want to squeeze it slowly and depending on how badly you are flaring you might get the urge to expel it, just do your best, breathe squeeze your fists, whatever you gotta do to get that feeling to pass. When you feel like you can get up, I go ahead and go lay in bed on my left side for at least 30 mins. I do them right before bed and I don't usually get back up after doing one. After you've done them several times and the inflammation goes down you'll be able to do them quick and easy, 2 minutes and done.
Be sure to give them a fair chance and if they do work for you, most peeps like to do a taper to a maintenance schedule. But do them nightly until you feel 'normal.'
Good luck, keep us posted!