Runcycle - thank you so much for your very informative post. Great news that you are experiencing some positive results.
Can you advise how you prepare the faeces and how you infuse it please? Details may seem gross to the non-initiated ( but that is there problem, ha ha!) but I am keen to know.
I would have tried this myself ages ago but I as I live on my own it is not easy to get a donor. It would be much easier if I was married or had children. Anyway, the more I learn the more it may convince me to try and persuade a friend because if I was sure it would work I would do it - I should say that I don't have UC or Chron's.
Also, please, please, please keep us posted on your results.
Ichasefrisbees - any updates on you yet please?
Post Edited (idkwia) : 6/18/2010 3:46:19 PM (GMT-6)