Levi, what you said is part of it...when you are flaring you have no where to go but up...when you are in remission it can only get worse...exactly!!
Kim, I know, I know, why worry about it? And I'm usually this way but here lately (and I really think it's b/c of the events coming up) I've been worried about it.
Heidi, how long have you been on the enemas? The first time I did them every night for 6 weeks then tapered too fast and totally screwed up. Second time I did them for 8 weeks everynight before starting a taper...that I'm on now.
Sweetie, I'm hoping I'll get more comfortable and confident as times goes on! I'm hoping I have a nice long remission, it just seems too good to be true!!
Notsosickly, yeah, I'm thinking I'll stick to my current enema schedule until after vacation in October. They won't hurt anything and why not stick to what's working, right?
Anyone else have any coping mechanisms?