Hey Everyone,
I had a bit of a down turn last night and this morning. But I don't yet think it is due to the raw milk. Especially since I was feeling so good and improved so much with it.
I had an orientation for my new job yesterday and gave in to the temptation to have a cup of coffee (non-organic coffee, with non-organic sugar and hazelnut flavored coffeemate, yuk). It was delicious, but coffee has proven to be very bad for me in the past.
Also, I had a vegetable soup that normally I put through a strainer to get the biger vegetable fibers out, but I didn't strain it this time.
Also, I was taking Jarodophilous and stopped taking it when I started the raw milk.
Also, I'm beginning to really feel the stress with school starting in a week and I will be teaching and going to grad school and working an internship and working my home remodeling business for extra cash, and I have SO much to do before next Monday!!!
Honestly, I think it was the coffee. And I'll probably just need a couple days to repair the damage and I'll be right back on track. But I'll keep you all posted so you'll know if the raw milk is working for me.