When I am flaring badly, I can't tolerate fresh fruit - especially blueberries (I know, they're supposed to be so good for you.....) but bananas have always been fine for me - no gas, unlike for Q.
Still I wouldn't do more than one per day....
How about
fish....? I find it easily digestible and a good source of protein.
I am no exercise expert, but what I have always followed is the rule of moderation. I try to stay active enough to benefit mind and not lose too much, muscle-wise, but I have stopped short of exercising to build up further; I wouldn't do extreme cardio. If I were in your shoes I might play a "fun" tennis match but wouldn't work out in any way that would tire me out to the extent my body's energy was taken from the healing process......
Whatever the reason, eating differently from family is tough - I agree! But, you mention
cookies and chips.... maybe they'll be positively influenced by you eating healthy to help your body!