Ugh Imuran....I must be the outsider here, but Imuran made me soo sick and had the sickest summer because of it this year. I was diagnosed in 2007 with UC. For the last year, I was on Salofalk and only Salofalk. I come home from College for the summer and my doctor put me on Imuran along with my Salofalk. I was also in the middle of a 6 week taper off of pred...due to a month long flare.
After 2-3 months of having servere rectal throbing, going like 20 times a day d'rea..(sometimes couldn't even make it to the washroom) no appeite, no energy, etc, i couldn't even leave the house. I decided to take myself off it the Imuran. Within a week, i was 100%. Stools back to normal, appeite, etc.
Imuran doesn't work for everyone...and I hear it only works for about 70% of people