i'm a college student and for the last year have had trouble keeping my BMs inside me until i get to the restroom. i moved into a single this year because i was embarrassed every time i had diarrhea in bed or even on my way running down the hall to the bathroom. it's difficult to sit through classes because every time i have to pass gas i fear it being a BM instead, and it's nearly impossible to make it through a 10 hr shift at work without racing to the rr. i'm currently coming off of entocort and have noticed an increase in my number of BMs but haven't had an accident in awhile. i've asked the drs if i should lower my amitiza dose (which was already lowered from 24 to 8) but they said if i'm only using immodium a few times a month, i'm okay. i tried to explain that i only take it when i absolutely have to (like before a 5 hr car ride, a shift at work, or an exam) but they didn't seem to care. they keep citing the fact that generally when i'm impacted i still have diarrhea that goes around the impaction so they don't want to take me off of it.
PLEASE tell me that other adults have this issue! i get so embarrassed and cry every time this happens. i feel like a baby and can't stand it when the response from the dr is maybe we should get me adult dipers
i literally hung up on the doctor when she suggested that! how do ya'll handle this? i know urgency is a big part of UC, but this is ubsurd!