I experience pain whether Im flaring or not. Its something that baffled the gi's I used to see. Im seeing a new one and its only early on in our medical relationship so I dont know what she'll think of it. Im not flaring now, but I do experience a great deal of pain mostly when I eat or put anything in my mouth. Water sets me off, chewing gum, everything. There are days or moments when I dont feel anything but its rare. I had a week just last week when I was ravenous and I didnt feel a whole lot of discomfort, but I ate a raw apple, which being on scd, I hadnt had in a long time. At first I thought Id be ok, then I had diarreah and now the pain and discomfort starts again
So, yeah, Im almost always in at least a little bit of discomfort. It can make me feel pretty miserable. When I met with the ibd support nurse specialist at the hospital Im with now, she said it may be that I had been flaring from mildly to moderately or worse for such a long time that maybe it'll just take a long time for my bowels to heal up.