I had the same situation with my granddaughter. I visited my older daughter only to find out that my granddaughter doesn't go every day. I had limited success as a result. She went only two times. Plus, her BMs were on the hard side. I haven't had any major flareups since then; however, I am still wavering between having good poos and having small and thin poos.
I would break up the BMs as much as possible and use more of it than with a softer BM--maybe three syringe's worth. I had much greater success when my granddaughter was breast feeding and her BMs were a gooey substance. Three treatments, and I was in total remission. Don't worry about
having days in between. I would just keep on trying. I would think 10 treatments would be enough to know whether or not the FT worked.
With each added donor they is a risk, just like with becoming intimate with anybody, there are risks of sharing intimate parts. I would continue the FT with the older daughter for the full 10 treatments. After that, if FT does not work, I would look into other alternative treatments or think about
another donor, depending on how the FT went. Did it make the younger child's condition any better, worse, or the same? If I saw any sign of an improvement, then I would probably try a second donor.
Post Edited (subdued) : 10/18/2010 3:19:41 PM (GMT-6)