Hey everyone I have been out of hospital for a week as I went in just before christmas with a high temp. Doctor said I had a kidney infection, pneumonia, abscess in my bowel i was put in and thats where i stayed for 7 days with 3 different lots of antibiotics, steroids and ulcerative colitis meds. I didnt feel as sick as the doctor was telling me. Since coming home i am still on high dose of prednisalone 35mg tappering 5mg a week, 3g mesalazine granules 200mg imurn & probiotic tablets 3 a day.
I started of where i couldnt sleep now i over sleep, have the shakes, still short of breath and feel dizzy and spaced out alot. Its a funny feeling that i feel as if i am about to pass out but dont. My colitis seems to be ok but i have slight little niggles in my tummy but nothing major.
Has anyone ever felt like this or know what maybe going on. Could it be my blood pressure?