I am sorry that he is going through this. I want to tell you to keep reading everything you can on this forum. There are many people that are here to help.
My 15month old little girl was diagnosed with pancolitis and she also was going to the restroom 15-20 times a day with blood in her stool.
She did not respond to any of the medications that are given for this disease. In my heart I always thought she had a parasite/bacteria overgrowth that was controlling her bowels. Yet not one GI doctor would prescribe an antibiotic for UC. To make a long story short. She suffered for six years, pumping medicine into her little body, and one day she got pneumonia and was given an anitbiotic ( rocephin) and within 24 hours her colitis was GONE. Her stools were formed . That was October 26 2006. Here it is 4 1/2 years later and she is doing great. She has been off of all UC medications since that day.
What I want to stress to you is that after she became well, I have many doctors tell me that they feel that she had a bacteria/ parasite living in her colon that was not found with the "normal" testing that they do. It could of been a combination of many things. Yeast overgrowth, bacteria overgrowth, parasite. The point is that now the doctors admit that "they do what works, they control the inflammation or they stop the immune system from attacking the invader"
I have been watching this forum since Hailey was 2 and I have learned sooooo much. From my experience with my daughter, if I read anyone that is not responding to the typical meds for UC, then I encourage them to talk to their doctor about trying an antibiotic made for the colon. Try one and see if it makes a difference.
Here is the journey that we went through with our daughter.
Rob, please be strong and know that you can overcome this. There are many on this forum that have and we are all here to help.
Post Edited (haileys letter) : 1/14/2011 7:07:09 AM (GMT-7)