Hi Nicole2282 -
I flared with 2 out of my 3 pregnancies and all my children are healthy. Have your tried changing your enemas to Cortenema and Cortifoam ,I found that they worked better than the other ones especially to get things under control faster. Anusol doesn't really do much unless you have very mild inflammation in the rectum and even then it doesn't do a heck of alot. You would be better off using the Cortifoam 2x daily, it absorbs quickly and its easy to retain while your moving around. The enema I used at bedtime and tried to retain for the night. I also added the oil from about 8 vit E capsules into the enema it stopped the bleeding and also aids in healing the colon.
Rest, Rest, Rest when ever you get a chance and put your legs up. Be careful of foods that are abrasive to the colon especially if your badly flaring, romaine lettue was always a killer for me as well as flour. Rice was always good for binding and it didn't seem to irritate things.
Probiotics are important - Renew Life Ultimate Flora Critical Care is a great one it has 50billion live bacteria per capsule (i take it morning and before bed on an empty stomach)its found in refridgerated section. This will help replace the bacteria that is killed in your colon by the antibiotics.
I hope you feel better soon.