Hi, goodness.
Probiotics do help me a great deal - and my son's GI swears they've helped some patients for whom nothing else was helping.
But, they don't seem to help everyone, from what I've learned here.
Years ago, anyway, the "party line" on the genetics thing was that UC was "not literally genetic, but that it does cluster in families." So it's not genetic like eye color or blood type, but there is "some genetic component". (For many of us, anyway.)
Certainly a bunch of people in my family have/had it -but not my parents. More like cousins and second cousins. I subscribe to the theory that there can be a genetic predisposition which then at some point may or may not be triggered by something: a virus, antibiotic use, etc.
I have one son who does not have it and one who does. I'd rather he not.... but becoming a parent is sort of a crap shoot anyway. Kids can be born with heart issues, development stuff, or they can become teens and do all kinds of self-destructive things....and even get drivers' licenses.
Parenthood does not fit the fantasy any of us have when we decide to start a family!
Some women do find that the hormonal changes, either with monthly periods or with pregnancy/birth, do affect their UC. Mine got a little worse with periods, and gloriously quiet with pregnancy.
You've got a lot to think about
..... but what would make me uncomfortable would be a GI who would speak in absolutes about
a disease that still holds so much yet undiscovered. Do you have another option for a doc....?