Yesterday, (Saturday) I finally broke down and went to the emergency room for these constant low-grade fevers I have been having for the past 5 days and some mild abdominal pain. I live in the Cleveland area, with no insurance, but luckily, the Cleveland Clinic bases your visits on a sliding scale income, so I'll be interested to see what my final bill is for my ER visit yesterday...
Anyway, I have been having some sinus drainage and cough, extremely fatigued and night-sweats and joint pains in my knees on top of the fevers and the massive amounts of bloody D. I seriously can not tell if these were all symptoms of my Ulcerative Colitis, or I had something going on, on TOP of my Colitis!
Well, they took a bunch of blood, urine and then gave me a cat scan and hooked me up to some IVs. Turns out, that they didn't really see any bacterial infection (which is good, I'd hate to take another darn anti-biotic) so apparently I have some kind of virus on top of my colitis symptoms. But, what I had NO IDEA was that they said I was severely constipated!!! Now, maybe I'm just a slow learner, but I always thought that when you had D, that everything was going right through you and kinda 'cleaning you out' so to speak. NOT TRUE!!!!
Even though I've been having my lovely, massive bloody D 10-15 a day because I'm flaring, I am severely constipated on top of it! Unbelievable! So the Dr. gave me a Fleet enema and told me to go home and use it.
Now, I've been prescribed the steroid enemas in the past by my regular GI. I can hold them in for about
10 seconds before I have to let it out. I don't know what the trick is to holding them in longer, so if anyone who is an expert here on enemas can fill me in, that would be great.
I'm wondering now if that constipation is what is causing the low-grade fevers, or if I just have some type of flu going on too, since I have a cough and sinus drainage. The night-sweats are very annoying, and COLD! And it's now day 6 with the fevers that are keeping me from working or getting anything done with a 4 year old to take care of.
But, now I know, just because you have massive D, you can STILL BE CONSTIPATED! Unbelievable!