kiolm said...
subdued said...
Yes. I agree that alternative treatments are the way to go. There isn't much money to be made by developing cures. There's profits to be made by developing medication that has to be taken every single day for the rest of one's life. So I don't expect the pharmaceutical industry to come up with a cure anytime soon.
about diets, I follow an anti-inflammatory diet for the most part. I also avoid foods/beverages high in fructose because I'm fructose intolerant. My diet has helps reduce my symptoms, but treating the cause of my condition has been even more helpful. Antibiotics have eaten up my good fecal bacteria. Fecal transplantation and probiotics have replenished the bacteria.
The items on your diet sound like you have a very sensitive digestive system; so you need to keep your foods as liquid as possible. My digestive system doesn't have this issue. Your diet would give me massive diarrhea. I have to keep vegetable and fruit juices down to a minimum (if at all). I'm glad it works for you though.
Subdued for some reason I had you confused with a Moderator on here I like, and since I like your posts you came to mind when I was posting in the now locked thread.(To the Mods.He's not a Dr BTW. You watch. Time will prove this. VSL3 is a scam. I have no reason to lie or axe to grind.)
Guys the more I learn in real life, the more I'm convinced it's all a lie. I urge everyone with Internet access to look at forums that have real people posting on them and that allow real free speech. As many as possible and not just about
things tied to UC.
I have ran across all kinds of people on strange forums you've never visited, that have cured themselves with diet changes.....How??? They stopped eating chemicals and fillers basically. You can call it whatever diet you want, but there is no diet that works that includes these.
We're all programmed from birth to believe the lie. By our parents first and later by the media.
If you are getting your Info from mainstream sites or outlets, you are not getting any of the truth and what you are getting is 100% of the lies.
UC is not a disease. It's no different than getting headaches. Imagine if everyone who had a headache was told they had a disease and their only hope was.......Get this......Keep buying hugely expensive pills made mostly of gypsum until the day they die !!!.lol. And get this.....There are several companies making the exact same Haven't you been programed to believe that a "Free Market" always brings the lowest prices???.lol. Explain this You can't. They will put us on meds that kill our vision and health and then charge us for You can't make this stuff up it's so bizarre. And we're programmed to believe this They will tell you point blank they have exactly no clue and yet we pay them to kill us???. They can't in anyway explain Placebo and yet we snicker at anything that isn't a pill??? Are you kidding me??? BTW you have Cancer so lets give you drugs and radiation that causes You couldn't make this stuff up because you assume other people are like you and basically good people. The Fact is they are not like us and they worship the dollar. BTW Placebo has a better survival rate than Chemo and 80% of Dr's polled said they wouldn't do it, but yet it's done everyday. Why?
We are not a machine and we are not the sum of parts. There is so much to be said on this.
There is a lot of truth In going gluten free, dairy free, chemical free, processed free. etc, etc, etc, There is a lot of truth in being positive and keeping positive emotions.....There is a lot of truth in all kinds of "Fringe" beliefs and thoughts but they all are snickered at smugly because "Nobody" believes that. Oprah and CNN is where I get my And my smugness from TMZ for Gawds sake.
Truth is defined as the recognition of reality. Recognize that you are just money in the bank to them and nobody but you and other loving and positive people will cure you. There is no pill or supplement or vitamin you can buy. As long as you continue to eat poison nothing will cure you. That's the first place to start and you can move on from there to other wonderfully healthy and positive aspects of being.(And no I'm not suggesting that a stab wound is all in the mind or that what we call UC is the same thing in everybody. I admit it's as different as headaches IMO.)
Once you start getting back to a real diet your eyes are
opened and you can see just how bad the fillers and chemicals are for you. And just how much of what they have programmed you to believe is a lie. It's a huge step but it's a baby step really because you will then realize just how much of your life has been programming.(BTW what do they call TV and Radio spots? That's right "Programming")
There are countless videos on youtube with truth in them and countless sites and Internet radio programs with truth as well. There are countless real people that tell truth and yet we're brought up to be snide, smug, cynics except when it comes to marketing!!!!.lol. And Corporate There is nothing that is 100% true BTW. It's not that easy. You are unique and your truth is going to differ from others but only in small ways. Micro ways. The Macro's are true for everyone.
I couldn't possibly go into detail into every single thing that is a lie. Or every single thing I know to be truth or good. I'd be typing for months. But please don't take my word for anything. Spend as much time as you can learning real knowledge.
BTW.....You don't even have to learn a thing to cure UC for many. Many through trial and error.....Luck, Observation and Intuition, have done so.
Saying there is no cure is true only in the sense that there is no disease to cure in the first place.
AMEN to that! I can't believe more people on here aren't complaining about
MONSANTO and the GMOs or maybe I am missing those threads!
The best advice ever is KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid. I totally agree, just eating foods withOUT chemicals, withOUT being genetically modified (good luck trying to guess which is which since the FDA doesn't require foods to be labeled GMO), drinking quality water with minerals in it, and just eating as fresh and organic as possible will be a HUGE STRIDE in taking back your health and body.
SCREW THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA. They are the devil, period. Thank Gods for the Internet!!!